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Canadian Venture Exchange/TSX Venture Exchange

Canadian Venture Exchange/TSX Venture Exchange Definition

The Canadian Venture Exchange (CDNX) was a stock exchange created in Canada in 1999 as a result of an agreement between the Vancouver, Alberta, Toronto and Montreal exchanges to restructure the Canadian capital markets along the lines of market specialization.

The CDNX was created by the merger of the Vancouver Stock Exchange (VSE) and the Alberta Stock Exchange (ASE). The focus of the CDNX was junior companies, i.e., those whose market capitalization was too small to be listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE). Often, these were resource exploration companies, but also came to include new high technology ventures.

The Winnipeg Stock Exchange and the equities market of the Bourse de Montral were also later merged into the CDNX.

In 2001, the TSE, now known as the TSX, acquired the CDNX, and it was renamed the TSX Venture Exchange.


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